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Fresh Air Handling Units
Catalogue |
- Available in both chilled water and direct expansion system
- Custom built units to suit site requirements.
- Refrigerant options: R22, R410a, R407c, R134a & R404a.
- Heat Recovery Wheels, Heat Pipes, Plate Type Heat Exchangers and Run Around Coils.
- Capacity range: 600 CFM to 60000 CFM
- Environment friendly rock wool insulation. Also available injected polyurethane foam and fiber glass insulation on request.
- Copper fins, anti-corrosive coating on fins for coastal applications and side plates in SS construction.
- DX type Fresh Air Handling Units (Refrigerant options: R22, R407c, R410a, 134a, & R404a)
- Many Heat recovery options:
- Heat recovery wheel
- Heat pipe heat recovery
- Cross flow plate type heat exchangers
- Run around coils